Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

    The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group of developing countries that do not want to be officially aligned with or against any major power block. NAM was officially founded in 1961 in the backdrop of the Cold War, drawing on the Bangdung principles of Panchasheel of 1955, in order to preserve sovereignty, territorial integrity, and dignity of small, developing nations that had no association with power blocks led by the USA and the USSR.

    NAM is the policy of not aligning with any bloc but at the same time being friendly to everyone. It is neither a policy of silence for fear of others nor a policy of isolation from world politics. Rather, it is a policy of taking decisions on all issues on the basis of what is wrong or right.

    The founding leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement were Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Gamel Abdel Nasser of Egypt, N Nkrumah of Ghana, Sukarno of Indonesia, and Joseph Broz Tito of Yugoslavia.

    What are the Principles of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?

      • Global peace and disarmament
      • Preservation of sovereignty and national independence
      • Economic equality among nations
      • Search for universalism
      • Sound globalization
      • Equitable access to information technology

    Ten Principles of Bangdung

      1. Respect for fundamental human rights and of the objectives and principles of the UN Charter.
      1. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.
      1. Recognition of the equality among all races and of the equality among all nations, regardless of size.
      1. Non-interference in the internal affairs of another country.
      1. Respect for the right of every nation to defend itself, either individually or collectively in conformity with the UN Charter.
      1. Non-use of collective defense pacts to benefit the specific interests of any of the great powers. Non-use of pressures by any country against other countries.
      1. Refraining from carrying out or threatening to carry out aggression, or from using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country.
      1. Peaceful solutions of all international conflicts in conformity with the UN Charter.
      1. Promotion of mutual interests and of cooperation.
      1. Respect for justice and of international obligations.
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    What are the Principles of Panchasheel?

    Jawaharlal Nehru and Chou en Lai propounded the principles of Panchasheel in 1954 A.D. They are:

      • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
      • Non-aggression
      • Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
      • Equality and mutual benefit
      • Peaceful co-existence

    What are the Purposes of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?

      • To promote and reinforce multilateralism, and in this regard, strengthening the central role of the United Nations.
      • To serve as a forum of political coordination of developing countries to promote and defend their common interests in the system of international relations.
      • To promote unity, solidarity, and cooperation between developing countries based on shared values and priorities agreed upon by consensus.
      • To defend international peace and security and settle all international disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and international law.
      • To condemn all manifestations of unilateralism and attempts to exercise hegemonic domination in international relations.
      • To eliminate all those causes which could lead to war.
      • To keep away the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa from the superpower rivalry and to protect and preserve their newly acquired independence.
      • To oppose colonialism and imperialism.
      • To advocate sovereign equality of all states.
      • To oppose the use of force and nuclear weapons.

    Nepal’s Role in Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

    As one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement, Nepal has been actively participating in all conventions of the movement since its inception in 1961. The south Asian country has consistently advocated disarmament and world peace. It has also raised its voice for the rights of the landlocked and the least developed countries.

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    Nepal has made efforts to establish peace zones around the world to promote the principle of peaceful co-existence. It has been frequently raising voices against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any sovereign country.


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